Wed. July 26, 2023, 8:30 am .. copy this idea in an earlier spot! creating a new SYSTEM for living
Human INTELLIGENCE! We are giving it up to A I. WE Humans can CONNECT other INTELLIGENCE into NEW creative inventive ideas. I doubt a robot screen can do that. Regardless if it can .. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE has no SOUL! Do you really want to lose your HUMANITY to an (art)official life? there is no REAL ART in (art)official. REAL ART needs a human soul.
If I can compile, (connect) a new manual for "TOTAL Health" or quality of life .. by pulling together OTHER"S Specific INTELLIGENCE and expertise, why can't we do that with everything? Why can't we create a NEW "Encyclopedia Britannica" on STEROIDS, a wikipedia of "closer to TRUTH", EXCEPT paid. A place where people build careers with investigating truth? We spend all kins of money to feel better, gluten free, yoga, drugs, cannabis, liquor .. trying to calm the stress of NO TRUTh plus chaos and confusion. Maybe we could put some of the "stop this stress!" money to RE-Connecting our ideas and our humanity? Paying for organized trusted INTELLIGENCE beats advertising every time! We create new careers as Human Intelligence ANALYST and H I Connector for the inventive brains among us.What is your obsessive interest? I would love to know your TRUSTED conclusion so I don't need to spend hours on it. Why do we now insist on making life miserable, confusing CHAOS.
I think there was/ is a PLOT (successful) to disconnect EVERYTHING .. not just us as humans, BUT EVEN OUR IDEAS AND HOW THEY CONNECT FOR QUALITY OF LIFE. There can no longer be any question that those in power just want us STRESSED living in TOTAL DISCONNECTION of even our ideas. When was the last time we invented something truly improving quality of life? Invention today is pure SHALLOW .. FRIVOLITY. Frivolous .. we live FRIVULOUS LIVES TODAY .. shall selfish devoid of SOUL (mind and Heart .. which reside in our DESTROYED Right brain.) We are zombies, sorry to tell you.
Tues. Aug 1 2023, 9:00 pm.
Things happened "FOR me" not "TO me" .. (god) sends what we need! I always thought god must hate me .. but now all the bad is coming together for GOOD! I never wanted to teach Home Economics! (I wanted to be a "Rock Star" (musician) / Interior designer in NYC! But now that Home Ec /FAMILY Studies Resource MANAGEMENT is what is building a SYSTEM that brings quality of life for a BIGGER family .. humans together! Respect, Responsibility and careful Resource management is what we have forgotten in our "easy, fast society of shallow CONVENIENCE. We forgot what the most IMPORTANT resources were, belonging, feeling valued, connecting, working together for the Common and Greater good!
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Tues. July 25, 2023, 5:00 pm.
no time to research this CNN headline but .. yeah sure "debate" .. more like demonizing the side that WANTS to teach it? .. saying it should not be taught because it makes people UNCOMFORTABLE? ah so difficult I am. crying for you. Well too bad .. join the REAL world where opposing views create discomfort! because we may have to GIVE UP SOMETHING or learn or feel sad .. and real HUMANS share ideas and come to compromise! we have LOST our very humanity .. our mind and "heart" as in our SOUL. Jut look at our world like you are from space. is this what you thought HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS of humanity was?? Please Study and LEARN McGilchrist's R L brain work .. it is the ONLY education we need right now. Or Left brains will destroy civilization (link)
No longer the same, but TWISTED to suit them and their evil LAYERS of connected wealth. The government made everything into silos so if they get kickbacks for the company chosen to do traffic lights. now with 5 different companies separating the work, they get a bigger kickback total. (seriously 5 companies have come to put a traffic light, 6 weks later still not done. All that coming and going was surely NOT NECESSARY. Electrical plus construction .. DONE. The MLM TWISTING is the most evil part. I don't even care about stealing extra money, but inability to TRUST anyone or anything is horrid! It destroys our TOTAL health .. stress and anxiety destroy emotional health PLUS our physical Health! of course a bunch of unhealthy people running around = a POOR quality of life society.
"jobs" .. mostly contracts were another co gets a commission on my kids work
all "part time" therefore no benefits! 2x searching for, 2x training for, 2 commutes
Those few companies that are still human and not devils evil will be our partner.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sun. July 23, 2023, 3:00 pm.
Our one commandment the Common and GREATER Good. Just be a decent and FAIR human. it is extremely hard but WORTH IT, becaseu others will take the hard to try to be FAIR to us. Living in a human connected community is very HARD and SLOW. Easy and fast got us into this MESS everything collapsing! .. "me/mine, here , now" created the "me first, screw you" HELL we now live in
Maybe WAWA will sponsor us ? awesome phila. convenience store .. great coffee etc.
Both are resources .. but wasn't TB a terrible virus? YES Thinking is a VIRUS .. sometimes we keep thinking and do not ACT because all the "BUT.." toxins allow no easy DECISION. Are "but's toxins? Is that why "they" say I am abusive? I damage with my too many confusing ideas? 🧐
what IS a virus" .. dear god we are truly too stupid to live .. NO mention of SHOES bringing in germs
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
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Tues. July 25, 2023, 9:30 am. THIS IS IMPORTANT .. add elsewhere? (Left brains are "BLIND")
Think about it! How many words relate to SEEING but really mean UNDERSTANDING? We do not SEE a concept. But I guess our? (mind's eye?) see UNDERSTANDS it? How do I get to be 76 years old AND KNOW SO LITTLE?? What the hell! There must be a conspiracy .. a PLOT to keep us STUPID? We are going to FIX THAT .. by sharing our Human INTELLIGENCE quietly and respectfully. You know that saying "do not speak of politics or religion at a party." Hah!! Made up by Left brains as usual! If you can not discuss what makes up our TOTAL HEALTH (our systems and our HOPE) then what is the point? A Left brain party is competition, sports or ho can laugh the m out or be the wildest. I guess a right brain get together is a PHILOSOPHICAL or societal study. Most people do not even know what "society" is know = US .."we" together. the success or failure of WE THE PEOPLE. Society = FAIL.
Re all the relating "UNDERSTANDING" to "SEE-ING" in our words and phrases!!
I think Left brains are a little BLIND .. and we keep yelling at them to "SEE" .. but they CAN'T!
I am just mad because everybody stigmatized all the "mental" illness and refused to face we just find it hard to GET THE JOB DONE, because we are trying to "SEE "IT"the idea BETTER"!. We are always thinking "why?" and "but .." etc. That makes it harder to act fast and just get the job done. Everybody yelled at us .. saying we are weird .. meantime we are the THINKERS that should be listened to BEFORE acting. The solution will be BETEER if all perspectives are considered FIRST. We used to have BALANCED brain wiring before it got FIRED with toxins. now we HAVR TO WORK TOGETHER, share our opposite resources!
But maybe if we are compassionate to them they will not feel attacked by our IDEAS. They are WARRIORS .. they will NATURALLY lash out. So let's back off .. maybe they can learn at their own pace without us yelling how MEAN and CRUEL they are? We are pretty jealous how EASY a selfish shallow focus is rather than always wanting to UNDERSTAND ALL THE ONION LAYERS OF "TRUTH" .. not JUST the shell of opposing views.
Thurs. Aug. 3, 2023, 11:00 am. incomplete .. add to Life Ledgers too
Our Human Stock market EXCHNGE does not INCREASE by putting struggling people in JAIL!
My belief is most never got their NURTURE pot of gold and could be productive people, if we just show then their value! Imagaine the money we could use to make the world better if we could lesson all Law and Order costs! Give people respect and show you VALUE them and they are PRODUCTIVE and responsible. The only reason most of us BEHAVE is becaseu we have been turned into mindless "SHEEP ANTS"! Give people enough stress and they can no longer function as normal HUMANS with mind and "heart". Big greedy companies have STOLEN OUR SOUL!
Thurs. Aug 17, 2023, 6:00 pm. NBC buffalo
The 17 year old was just charged for killing 4 friends (link). The parents of his DEAD friends do not wish evil on him. How amazing they are. he stole the car, crashed and they all died. poor guy wishes HE had died. Lawyer said he feels better seeing the parents of those he killed and how they do not wish horrid punishment on him. My theory .. black families who, know struggle and injustice, church going and FORGIVING. Just amazing. Sorry to be mean .. entitled white folks would want that kids soul toburn for eternity. Guess I am OLD and have seen this TOO often. That kid will be punished for life by his own HUMANITY. The entitled white floks always got things their way and never forgave a thing in their life. I know I am being biased but I so often have seen the kindness and caring always of those with the least. The screaming and suing is those with most. (like the teacher shot by 6 year old, suing for 50 million. If she was using it for helping struggling parentless kids, GREAT .. otherwise totally ridiculous, presuming I ma right she is not that injured..)
Forgot .. I added this becaseu I am yelling at GOD! yeah he is not our puppeteer but hell! so much PAIN in that story .. and all becaseu of youthful STUPIDITY. No evil there and yet so much despair caused, forever! the word was GRACE .. still never looked it up
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