Wed. July 26, 2023. 9:00 am.
We never stood up and took responsibility for the hell we were creating with our god of FAST and EASY. Convenience has destroyed our humanity. In the beginning we protested but soon enough WE were the corporate leaders caring about nothing but productivity and profit. I am focused on young people so this is words to the wrong audience .. please take it to any BOOMER YOU KNOW.
So NEGLECTFUL and irresponsible (lazy) as we were, we can NOT totally blame them. At least us old people should take RESPONSIBILITY for the hell we created for YOUTH .. Not fair .. NOT FAIR AT ALL! But then we see how OCCUPY turned out .. it was already too late .. THEY have stolen all our power and once A I gets more prominent in a VERY few years .. WE ARE TOAST! (But I will never understand how they expect robots to BUY their stuff? WE no longer "workers" will have no money to buy even FOOD.
Sun. July 23, 2023, 8:30 am. begun Fri. July 21, 2023, 10:30 am
THEY are those in power over us .. the "Control System" that keeps US under "Law and ORDER" .. but not THEM. We must follow ALL the rules completely .. but THEY follow none. The game is win lose .. set up for only THEIR success. Sounds like I am blaming and whining becaseu I am a LOSER, not "successful" like them. Hah! the ONLY reason they are "successful" is becaseu when you lose your HUMANITY, lose your ability to consider OTHERS WELL BEING .. life becomes very easy! Imagine if you never considered what your actions CAUSE for others or the environment. Your life would be so much simpler. What you want? .. you work to get. Never mind what unfairness happens along the way.
"All is FAIR in love and war"? NO! To be HUMAN with a heart and soul is to STRUGGLE thru life becaseu you are always considering the common and greater good before your own. THEY do not do that. They have one goal .. MY success .. "me/mine, here, now". How else do you think everything could possibly be in such a mess? The power system THEM are Myopic. They see only THEIR goal .. to hell with all that falls in the way of THEIR WIN. Oh but they say we are sore LOSERS. Well if the game was. FAIR .. not RIGGED .. fine we lose the best man wins. Is it possible for decades now the best man has always LOST somehow. Left brains somehow always win and seize all the power over us. With their GREED IS GOOD mantra what did we expect?
We can NOT totally blame them! Them .. those in power who twist everything only for SELF (me/ mine, here, now), never for "we the people". Don't forget WE also shirked OUR RESPONSIBILITY .. we were complacent and allowed the world go to hell. In the 70's we really should have changed things instead of hypocritically stopping with the protests of the hippies.Those were the days of a MIDDLE CLASS American dream. However today, people are just trying to get by but with huge STRESS! Meanwhile THEY live lives of luxury with no empathy for the harm they are doing to OTHERS. THE workers who create their wealth for THEM, live lives that are DESTROYING THEIR TOTAL HEALTH. Either they are missing the HUMAN (R hem) part of their brain or they are EVIL .. or maybe alien?
Non humans .. whether brain dead, evil OR alien must be "removed" ..
Sun. Aug 6, 2023, 9:30 pm
These horrible Kids think this is all FUNNY. The world is ending, society collapsing. If this is the next generation, they are sadly .. zombies. But these are the kids who were trapped at home during the covid "control trick" (How much power can we exert over these silly workers, which we will soon replace with ROBOTS anyway? 👿 ) Instead of standing up to the power structure we let them fully destroy these kids minds! All they HAD trapped at home was the screen, in their important formative social years! I should not be yelling because now they are sheep ants living in the screen, thanks to our letting this happened. Was that another purpose of the covid control plan. Stupify the younger generation even more than search and social already made them? Young people are usually the revolution ones .. so they did a great job quietening this SCREEN generation down even more.
Because I believe the EVIL is a few families on the very top. I truly think they are evil .. controlling EVERYTHING FOR THEIR OWN BENEFIT ONLY. But I swear they are aliens or PURE EVIL, because the world is only cool and fun WITH US IN IT! Without us troublesome Thinkers, the visionairies and creatives, you have no new ideas and inventions, no plays or concerts or Art or cool cafes. Without Right brains plus balanced Left the world may as well BE Robots because our SOUL as humans will be missing. Balanced brains and Left with enough Right wiring to at least HEAR new ideas, manage all kinds of wonderful things together with right brain creatives. The plan seems to be to get rid of all of us. Why work so hard to destroy our health if not? Unless we are all just too stupid to live? well the processed food fried our brain wiring and that IS what happens. Sugar was evil and we lived on it in every food! Sugar has 64 names .. why? storage no?
So yes, giving my work and system to those on power is very risky ,.. but from what I just heard (ability to watch someone tortured and killed live, on the dark web) we pretty much have already lost our soul. No mind and "heart" (soul) means humanity is gone, and only "beings" remain. So maybe being murdered by these power people is easier .. than a slow death starving, when there are few jobs.
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