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For some reason I have been terrified of Nov 2024 as the end of America. Cibil war will break out, and we are so stressed living in such confusion and chaos that we will be like a human BOMB .. an H bomb! Right THINKNG brains will explode in rage that nody listened and Left Warriors will explode becaseu they keep it simple .. 2 sides the other is bad, wrong, evil. If Left brains refuse to STOP Listen, HEAR, reconsider, Think, discuss to come to a COMPROMISE we will eventually have to have a death battle. If Right brains who think befor acting do NOT win .. humanity will lose.
We have already destroyed the health of soil, water and air. PLUS no one is admitting we have destroyed the TOTAL Health .. Physical, INTELLECTUAL and Social Health of EACH younger generation WORSE. If Left brains continue their shallow "ONLY OUTER ONION SKIN as brain" solving of problems we ALL DIE! (which is why killing those with only outer onion shell thinking have to be murdered. 😩 Liberals in politics also quit THINKING, (become only ONION SKIN SHALLOW) become brain dead to "we the people", in favour of power instead. Divided Politics MUST stop or human go extinct or it is the FALL of the American empire.
Even a LITTLE THINKING .. even a mind a LITTLE open .. is hopeful for saving our DESTRUCTION. (explain Jackei here). Sadly many of my family memebrs will have to be removed. Can we create a gated community and just throe them out to live in the dystopia they created. I am in no way suggesting right brain THINKERS get everything right. We get many things wrong even though we TRIED to figure out the BEST solution. BUT!! .. our solution is always what is BEST FOR EVERYONE .. NOT best for "ME/ mine, here, now". Right Brain thinkers try to find the common and greater good and work toward that. We do not want to be sainted .. that is just HOW OUR BRAIN WORKS.
My theory is Right brain wiring is where our mind and "heart" reside .. our HUMAN SOUL. So if the toxins of shallow selfish "progress" have destroyed our SOUL brain wiring, we are missing a mind and "heart" to consider others! So in a battle we would actually be killing DISABLED people! Is that right? We will have much to contemplate TOGETHER. I believe like Right Brain more sensitive in all ways personalities R Hemisphere wiring is more sensitive. ACTUALLY .. I HOPE that is WRONG! I just want right brains to be the quiet MASSES, while Left brain Screamers seem to rule the world.
100% it seems no one is noticing how we have LOST OUR MIND. We are too stupid to live! I am just called NEGATIVE. NO! This is REALTY and you are an OSTRICH oblivious with your head in the sand. Don't call me negative .. you are just LAZY and irresponsible! Look at how many decisions are made today having UTTERLY NO COMMON SENSE. People shut the world down for covid .. yet watching the lack of learning about HYGEINE and sanitation after that horror .. is mind boggling. You shut the world down for ONE germ, yet let your dog on my restaurant table?? he has men's spit and dog pee/ poo on his feet! yikes .. the BRAIN DEAD is terrifying. Go to sleep and just let us run the world BETTER, I promise. Common sense, reason and logic .. will 100% make quality of life better.
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Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.