(Under toxins I must add TWISTING OUR BRAIN as in subliminal advertising!)
Mon. July 24, 2023, 6:00 pm.
Listening, actually HEARING another viewpoint, researching and investigating to RECONSIDER our opinion .. that is how HUMANS live in a society. This is a big reason for our H bomb ex[ploding .. will we soon have civil war. If we can no longer BE CIVIL an explosion of CHAOS will result. Can we bring some of the people we know bak from the brink of losing our humanity?
The media would have us believe we are just ONIONS. We think as deep as the 2 outer SHELL layers. The inside layers of an onion is where the truth lies! But Left brains just scream 2 opposing sides when the truth is in the middle and must be discussed evaluated and compared for compromise. We can no longer do that apparently. John McCain was the end of a republican who could get a drink and discuss opposing views. I think now each side just thinks the other evil. But they are all the same .. shallow and selfish. NOT a resource!
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Thurs. July 20, 10:15 am
Tim's guy re ladder liked more than people. I felt great
Thin Places! the well EVEN in HATED TO.????
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Physical ..
Emotional ..
Resentment, Guilt, sadness, grief, loss, fear, confusion, disconnect, STRESS,
Sat. July 22, 2023, 9:30 am.
"dogmatic". Left brains are dogmatic!!
They are the ones who are "my way or the highway"! They are the ones who will listen to NOTHING new or different! They know the "truth" .. you know, like Trumper "facts". Oh dear, makes me TIRED to even think of. Yes, being open minded is hard. A "Yes /no", "good /evil" quick decision is SO very much EASIER. But also ridiculous! Ridiculous, because we are supposed to be HIGHER LEVEL CONSCIOUSNESS!
Told you!! we have LOST OUR HUMANITY. There is no "consciousness" in the Screamers that make us THINK we have lost our humanity. WE Right brains are still human, but we are the quiet ones doing good! We don't need "followers" or our name on buildings .. we do good because it is just the HUMAN thing to do! BEING FAIR and DECENT is just natural! Yike!! so we have to fight a war now against the zombies impersonating humans! So this is why I am terrified of the election next fall!
Beings roaming with no mind or "heart" to see other perceptions or causes are not HUMAN. They are ZOMBIES masquerading as human! Too LAZY for the energy to think about BOTH sides of the good bad sides!I run into oblivion 2 or 3 hours a day on the sidewalk!
"me/ mine, here, now" is an awesome resource for "Me first, screw you" people! It is a selfish resource that destroys others! It is perfect for the "self" because there is no distraction of worry for others! No wonder they get ahead!! But ME contributes nothing to the we and US ledgers!
from dogma link Oh My GOD!!! 🙈 kill me .. please kill me .. life would be so easy! Who IS this person??
“Frankly, I find the (minutia) of everyday life much more interesting than the glaring important life-changing events that shape our lives.”
who said this? so barbie pink is more important then the billion bomb that will soon go off? billions of people's health has been destroyed. Can I kill this mindless zombie? .. But there are so many! we live in a truly ZOMBIE apocalypse .. the billion bomb .. a ton of people exploding at once .. physical illness and death from stress, overdose, suicide, mass murder and just chaos with the confusion of our disconnected non functioning society.
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