Wed. Aug. 2, 2023, 9:30 am.
People who care only for their OWN well being are going too far on the "Greed spectrum" .. gone toward EVIL. Greed was never good (Wall St "greed is good") .. but we allowed it to flourish .. now we have to FINALLY take a STAND. We may be too late, our complacency or IRRESPONSIBILITY, may have done us in. Humans will go extinct, if we can no eat. Can we finally take PERSONAL Responsibility and say "NO MORE! We are DONE being "sheep ants". We are done doing the work that gives you your profit .. yet we are given NO RESPECT" Can we be disciplined and DO THAT?
Maybe instead of The LAST "Religious" WAR, good against evil .. we could just quietly have a MASS STRIKE of HUMANS? Let's all join with today's strikers! It will take SACRIFICE, personal responsibility and DISCIPLINE! Sure it is hard to sacrifice our wants and comforts .. BUT .. you can either do it NOW .. or when you are starving because A I and a robot took ALL your jobs! Then your discipline will just be starving without stealing, discipline witll be FORCED on you, no choice. You HAVE LOST THE POWER of being the WORKER who actually MAKES THEIR MONEY, FOR THEIR LUXURY! Let's quietly MASS STRIKE .. no more interaction with EVIL companies!! If they want us to buy from or work for them they can get FAIR R3 C8 Certified.
Our Western Society is made up of a spectrum of Left brain "Warriors" and Right brain "Worriers". These 2 hemispheres of our BRAIN used to be BALANCED. First we would THINK and plan the best compromise. then we would ACT to get the job done. The toxins of progress have fried too much of our brain wiring. Perhaps like right brains the wiring too is more sensitive. Also, so many of us have become "Selfish Shallow WARRIORS" because they must, just in order TO SURVIVE today. We could start this WAR quietly! Let's ALL STRIKE! No more working for or buying from companies that are not "FAIR". It's SIMPLE .. just be FAIR .. to workers, community and the earth! Help us build a CERTIFICATION that proves a company is FAIR. Working towards this certification we will then buy from and work for you
In a world of slow contemplative Thinkers, the Fast ACTION personalities will be the ones getting ahead. It is a far easier life when it focuses only on "me/mine, here, now". To be more BROAD and FAR thinkng takes more time and is HARD. Meantime the HARE won the Life RACE .. NOT us Turtles!
Sadly, not thinking of future consequences and never wondering and investigating past causes may create fast "success" but never REAL success. Now the foundation of fastest "success" is crashing down. Every SILO system is collapsing becaseu it was only built on win lose (gaining more profit or power). Investigating WHY things happened, means they can be solved BETTER because you can work to reduce the CAUSE. Why not help people feel needed and valued instead of throwing them all in a PROFITABLE prison complex? That only reduces our quality of life and does NOTHING for TOTAL Societal health. A Left brain controlled society creates a bandaid for everything. Their bandaid is a new source of power and profit. Our entire Health "care" system is built on very profitable bandaids, the procedures and drugs now loudly advertised on TV!! many diseases are actually inflamed by what we eat, but that requires personal RESPONSIBILITY vs a fast east solution. We are as much to blame. We sat back complacently and let everything go the WRONG direction. Can we take back control NOW .. try a new more logical COMMON SENSE WIN WIN system? We can replace the prison medical and education failing systems with ONE SYSTEM .. a Win Win quality of life for all. We the people have lost out for to long?
But ..
Will they leave us alone to try to set up a REVISED capitalism and "democracy" Reverse World system? Will THEY let us try to prove our theory independent of their failing mess? Or will police just come and claim we are TERRORISTS. Nothing is truth anymore. When we need to twist everything backward to try to find TRUTH we are at END TIMES. If someone is a said to be the enemy .. half the time they were actually trying to do good, or at least the beginnings of good. NO MASK was right! But of course if thwre was TRUE danger of harming others we would 100% wear masks. This was twisted making us evil becaseu we were questioning the motive and mission behind this SHUT DOWN. Could it be they wanted to see how far they could push us? Obviously we have become controlled sheep ants. Wake up and grow up people. Those in power do NOT have our best interest at jheart. Stupid (UNedcatd) Unhealthy, in jail bad guys are easier to CONTROL. We are no longer "free". The benefit for "We the people" have been long forgotten.
Do we have to have a REAL war? Murder the most Left brain evil? OR .. hopefully TAKING PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, we can TOGETHER, sharing our HUMAN Intelligence build an entirely new SYSTEM bringing Health and quality of life to all. Not "communism" just FAIR. We each contribute and we each get a decent life in return. Even if we only sweep floors or trim trees. THEY can have their yachts and mansions but "WE THE PEOPLE" do not have to starve. Hopefully they stay away from us and let us PROVE our system works better than theirs. The Spirit of the Founding Fathers and BEN Franklin are on our side! Plus some still HUMAN companies will JOIN US as PARTNERS to build our "Big Island of FAIR". Barry Diller built "Little Island" for New Yorkers! If Rikers was empty we could build our new "country" their .. one SYSTEM .. no bandaid SILOES .. base quality of life for all .. TOTAL Societal health.
Instead of war and killing .. STAY AWAY FROM US. We will show you that WIN WIN works better. We will have VERY HARD WORK ahead of us. The compromise of FAIR .. Listening, hearing, learning, thinking, and then RECONSIDERING will be HARD Heaven. But even HARD .. will beat the digital HELL we have created. Extremes are always BAD. We will work to BALANCE invention and ideas AWAY from excess and extreme, to create TOTAL Health for all.
Police, government, Big corporations .. PLEASE stay away from us! Better still, instead of LYING and calling us "terrorists" .. please JOIN US .. let's TOGETHER prove there is a better way for all of us to enjoy life.