NO!! The is a word for COMPANIES pretending to be good citizens caring for communities. Meantime they ask employees to volunteer on THEIR OWN time .. but the company takes the credit. Virtue Signalling is mostly H R .. never really FOR humans as a RESOURCE. CSR .. most Corporations are NOT Socially Responsible, only profit matters! Paying someone millions to have your name on their building is MARKETING .. NOT a corporation being socially responsible.
Recognize everything in our society is TWISTED. ESG does not make much difference, "Environmental Social Governance". FAIR Certified will be like an audit and publicly available! Nothing in today's society is TRUTH .. everything is twisted backwards or an outright LIE. How is having a "Cancer Race", a COMPANY being KIND? .. when those racing get sponsors who give them money? Even if the company matches the $ raised, they now can say they raised 2 MILLION ..while 1 million $ of it was raised by kind PEOPLE .. not the company itself. Beware of the TWIST! BUT too many of us are STRESSED selfish and shallow, too oblivious to notice! We are too busy just trying to SURVIVE.
For those of us who like TRUTH and FAIR .. this society is either suicide creating, addiction causing or making us finally so enraged we want to murder. I suggest when OLD ladies want WAR .. that we have now created a H-uman BOMB about to explode. Separating ourselves from the "greed is good" insanity has become a MUST. People say I am evil and have so much (hubris?)?? .. when the TRUTH is I just want more people to have decent FAIR quality of life, not even wanting my NAME KNOWN let alone on a building. When TRUTH, reality and lies become so twisted, our lives really do become NOT LIVABLE! The collapse of Society is near. Let's change the "Greed is good" to FAIR and decent on our GATED Reverse World Island. It is true we "can't change the world" but let's make our own "WORLD"! Those LAZY words come from the selfish who only look after self. When we show them how much better our FAIR "world" is .. THEY MAY EVEN RETHINK THEIR SHALOW SELFISH BEHAVIOURS and join us .
Fri. Aug 4, 2023, 3:00 pm
We are not trying to show anybody up .. be "holier than thou" (you know .. show you up as a meaner human, not as good as me. a Of course the last is tru! Left brains are MEAN and selfish .. right brains are caring and empathetic FIRST wanting to understand. (Not always of course we goof up lots too .. but our normal is to try to put others well being first before ONLY focusing on what WE want.
It is shocking that left brains are actually MISSING this ability! They are DISABLED! Kindness and empathy must reside in the RIGHT Hemisphere wiring and their's is MISSING. I swear that I just naturally feel compassion. I used to ask people how they could sleep at nite seeing a homeless person struggle while they had a mansion. The answer .. they looked DOWN ON that person. "He should have worked harder like I did. I worked hard and DESRVE everything I have." EEE YIH .. I wondered how that person was even human so easily writing off the humanity of the struggling person. So often I hear people say .. those welfare people are just LAZY. Sure maybe 1 of MANY so they USE THAT and TWIST IT TO SUIT THEIR OWN PURPOSE. Believe me .. few people want to be "losers". 99% of humans would rather CONTRIBUTE and be valued than get handouts, feeling useless. It is ridiculously selfish to think "Losers want to be losers .. not my problem." Where is your humanity. Sorry the people I speak of are HOPEFULLY NOT HERE!!
But this is where the BIG problem comes in. This by now so enrages me I am ready to murder this "being" with no soul .. this inhuman that causes so much pain in the world. BUT .. if they are devoid of the wiring that MAKES us human, If they are MISSING our human mind "heart" and sprit are they not disabled and we do not kill disabled people. But then again .. THOSE disabled people do not HARM OTHERS!! So we have gone in a circle murder YES!, murder .. NO! and then again .. self preservation, self defence of humanity .. so yes we may have to murder the worst people. Sorry Jeff Bezos .. your arrogant little self must go .. does he really make 5000X what all th millions of people that CREATE his wealth do??? But instead we lose our mind and go on a stupid shooting spree of rage .. killing innocent people. Bad .. bad collapsing world we have created.
Conclusion .. these mean people ACTUALLY can not FEEL empathy for those struggling. Therefore they think we who do .. are trying to be SPECIAL, known as more wonderful than they. We are! But I wonder how many of us could care less for a trophy? WE are just being kind, caring, FAIR, and decent BECAUSE WE ARE HUMAN. Are they ZOMBIES because so much brain is destroyed .. or are they actually ALIENS as some wonder?
Fri. Aug 4, 2023, 9:00 am incomplete .. more later!
source for quote .. darn can't copy .. go to first red box (no selflessness is NOT selfish!! because ..)
Interesting DEBATE site! We Right brains ACTUALLY have PURE intent. NO EGO! AHA!! This is why T always says "hubris? .. means I think I am fabulous? NO! I just do not understand why others consider themself "human", if FIRST considering the greater good over MY-SELF, is not their NORMAL behaviour. No fakery in us Right Brians (or expecting fame like Taylor swift truckers??) BUT OF COURSE .. if this selflessness is NOT in their Left brain "HEART" .. they can not even IMAGINE! us being HONEST!! They think we are putting on an act! If only!! .. how much EASIER life would be just focusing on ME and MY needs. more later
They (Left brains) think we are PRETENDING to be kind and caring because they would PRETEND to be ONLY if its pretence served THEIR OWN INTEREST and goal. Right brains put others FIRST NATURALLY .. it is in our SOUL! It is always there to think "how does my behaviour affect others?" maybe that is why we are sensitive to everything .. our brain has already though "this may harm someonwell being so I will not do it. Then when done TO US it is hurtful and EVENTUALLY ENRAGING. I imagine a day when all the stepped on Right brains will EXPLODE .. a HUMAN BOMB destroying everything in lost mind.
Oh dear this is VERY Scarry .. we really ARE FIGHTING ZOMBIES who have lost their Right Brain WIRING! Those in power plus managers and ceos have lost their mind and "heart", they're SOUL. UNWILLINGNESS or Inability to THINK FURTHER (like desk girl today) shows loss of humanity! But it is the numerous toxins of our "progress" that have destroyed our brain wiring.
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