Wed. Aug. 9, 2023, 4:30 pm.
3 steps to surviving ..
It seems I am stuck in a myopia of constantly looking for proof the world is ending. I see Hawaii is now burning too, 6 dead nowhere to escape to. What if we just FORCE ourselves to ACCEPT that we made a mess, and stop PROVING IT AGAIN AND AGAIN. Are those of us who THINK and WORRY, STUCK in a tunnel of endless "I told you so". We get the trophy but we are also killing ourself slowly. Stress anxiety panic at what may soon come will take out TOTAL HEALTH. But I honestly think there are more good people than selfish shallow zombies, the screamers who are taking us down.
If we let those selfish screamers get under our skin we may murder them, murder ourself or just die slowly of all manner of illnesses. All of our body functions are deteriorated more by stress. We are good kind caring people and we do NOT deserve to betaken down like this? Let's get together and give each other PEP talks. The sefish shallow screamers will take us down if we LET THEM. It is so hard .. but we do not deserve this injustice .. to have the JERKS continue winning! we seriously need to STOP, BREATHE and find good .. becaseu sadly until we actually DO something things will ONLY get worse.
As I write I am trying to ignore the monster unparented child that destroys our neighbourhood's peace. No human should scream like that monster .. whose parents obviously think THEY are the only important being in our whole area. The constant screams are torturus, they make your hair stand on end and are never ending. I think for us selfless people it is especially challenging because we would never purposely subject others to any discomfort for our own desire. (We make mistakes sure, but do not live as "me FIRST, screw you! self absorbed jerks." The dad instead of working for the common good thinks we should simply MOVE somewhere else. Can you imagine the BOLD? You do not want to know the torture I would like to serve on him. I guess screaming in his face would not scare HIM, because he is a soulless insensitive zombie. Sorry .. I am supposed to be empathetic for his MISSING HIS THINKING WIRING!
This "family" is NOT HUMAN. But constantly enraging me does NOTHING to make the world better! It JUST GIVES THEM .. THE POWER that those evil zombies want! Somehow I have to learn to BREATH and not HEAR them. I can say .. I can not shut them out 😩 .. but so THEY WIN. Is that how we can DISCIPLINE ourself? I do NOT want to give them power! Us getting enraged (at whatever injustice enrages us) only GIVES THE selfish "evil" POWER OVER US. Evil selfish zombies do NOT deserve to take away our own control! NOT letting evil enrage us is our FIRST taking back control!
(Sorry .. I know young people have 10x worse than screaming inhuman 5 year olds, but I work from home and the scream is terrifying and torturous to sensitive people. the people that are destroying us HAVE no sensitivity to anything! What an easy life they then have!)
So .. since we are STUCK in an Uncivil world, we must
My Metro food store is OPEN .. so I thought our STRIKE was over. No .. those people just selfishly chose not to STRIKE! I will never shop in that store again. Others are starving and unable to pay rent while they chose NOT to join what in the end will help them too. Terrible behaviour. I should even take the time to put some signs up. "Don't shop here." Unless we start to DO SOMETHING .. we should quit complaining about how terrible everything is. We are responsible by being COMPLACENT to everything going downhill. We need to speak up WITH OUR MONEY. "THEY" do not honestly listen to "protest". Hit them where it hurts .. no customers! They make their money off US. Once our jobs are gone to robots we will have no more power, no job .. no customer .. gone are our coffees. I should also be QUITTING Tim's they so are trying to make us go to screens to order. The "No PEOPLE cafe"!
STopwith google, amazon, Facebook .. I am trying to figure out how I can get away from evil apple (the cloud con is too much. (How do I get MY work away from their cloud, so hard to download a million photos 1000 at a time! what a con job!)
We can do like Chicago! Strangers meeting to swim .. but we instead meet to PLOT taking back our humanity. (Hey, sure .. if I ran the world we would still be cavemen inventing imaginary wonderful things .. but are we SURE that might not be better? However with compromising Left brain ACTION managers in our community we can make good stuff actually HAPPENED.
You can actually create (an old fashioned?) LOCAL MEET UP at a coffee shop or meeting space! A coffee shop is better because others will find out about our plans to TAKE BACK THE WORLD. 😈 Remember the SYSTEM we are building is a SHARING of HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. The SYSTEM recipe, like the first pizza recipe .. can be made unique in so many ways! However if you want to be part of our FAIR Certified SYSTEM you would need to join up as member and meet the FAIR, be decent "rules". If the world of today is making you crazy .. you probably ARE a decent fair person. Those who are oblivious and selfish are managing just fine! They call us NEGATIVE becaseu we see the problems we have created. No .. THEY should have listened to US .. we would NOT be in such a bad state from lazy irresponsibility and GREED.
In your area you can take my recipe and build your own local "Reverse World" SYSTEM. You need a SPACE, + a biz SPONSOR, plus Like minded still HUMAN people to build a cooperative living space .. or just the "Church" Library Cafe, gathering share/ trade space. Also get your family and friends elsewhere to do the same in their area. Once I get a Template perfected on the east coast, we will have a better architectural SYSTEM to pass on .. kind of like an UN FRANCHISE.
But beware I have worked on thios alone long enough. Unless we have many involved this fall .. I will stop investing my time and money. Hopefully I will find a sponsor ParTner SOON. I have no more $ or energy to give, if it does not seem anyone is willing to sacrifice. I will just watch as the world falls apart from NO JOBS to starving people. I guess it is like an addict .. you can not force them to STOP what is destroying them .. complacency , laziness, irresponsibility. I did that too .. but a decade ago I realized more than our physical health was collapsing .. our TOTAL Societal Health was. I have worked without pay, going deeper and deeper in debt. It is your turn to show me you will use my Career and SYSTEM INVENTIONS.
There are more of us GOOD PEOPLE than selfish screamers! Let's DO IT!
Take back CONTROL for a decent HUMAN place!
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Stress can destroy any and all body functions. Probably what it does is attack our weakest areas .. those that would eventually have been a problem for our DNA. Some get headaches, upset stomach, TMJ .. anything can be cased by stress. When we CLENCH a body part because of TENSENESS, and anxiety, we cause trouble with our body functions. Somehow we have to learn how NOT to let THEIR greed and resultant Societal Health destruction affect us. Whether it is walking, enjoying nature, music, doing yoga or exercise we HAVE TO find what can calm us.
Once you have tried all the traditional normal suggested stress reducers.. go to the last 3 boxes for some NEW ideas I am just now excited about. I have stressed over what a weird world ever more for 67 years .. so imagine my excitement to find maybe 3 new things for me .. that are able to create HOPE and POSSIBILITY
Sat. July 23, 2023, 1:00 pm
I swear I got the "Just don't think about it!" SHALLOW advice 15 years ago. Still can't do it and I am daily ready to murder people. But .. it is probably the best advice I ever got ..becaseu thinkng of unfair or ENDURING it .. will make us all murderous invaders. The advice was to not worry over my kids which helps nothing anyway. I guess ignoring the dog barking incessantly is a bit harder to do. Some of us are sensitive! If something is TORTURE to us .. you are INHUMAN to not care. And yet so many of us have LOST OUR VERY HUMANITY. Too bad if my dog barking for an hour is torture to you .. that's YOUR problem. Seriously .. we do not need to let INHUMANS into our world. Sorry is that is offensive to you .. then you too are probably a zombie .. totally UNCARING of OTHERS!!! hah ... now I have your number!! get the hell off the planet if you think I am the bad one.
Rude unfair no decency people should no longer be on the planet. Our society is CHAOS, never mind manners we went form no CIVILITY to INHUMAN!! Right now I have been listening to a dog SCREAMING forever. Who the hell are you "dog person" thinkng you are so special you can just leave us traumatized over your sad sounding dog screaming? You are NOBODY .. you deserve NO SPECIAL. Because we all TOGETHER live here in a shared HUMANITY. You have LOST yours, your soul is gone. There are 100 people playing sports in the field. I hear nothing! They are decent humans trying to get in shape or skilled. If your dog is I trouble at home and you do not know .. I apologize. But if you're a care less too bad for me person I hope you die soon. You make life for the rest of us HELL! becaseu you are OBLIVIOUS sensitive to NOTHING you should recognize hoe LUCKY you are be grateful and then have some respect for the rest of us that you are TORTURING!!
But no .. if a SPECIAL .. you do not care you are the devil himself .. so go to hell NOW.Get off our HUMAN planet.
self confidence and feeling DESERVING
we get what we focus on. but if we have no confidence and feel guilt it is hard to focus solely on WINNING. It is easy to feel I should win when I have confidence and was raised to think I deserve it all. Some of us were raised in sabotaging environments. Now we sabotage ourselves! So let's get together and raise our personal self image .. be grateful for our kind, caring spirit of the greater good. Then we focus on what we want and gods making magnet will bring it. he did not want to be our puppet master so he gave us a TOOL. Hmm . is bringing us what we want what jerk face left brains call FREE WILL? O m G
Fri. July 28, 2023, 7:30 pm ..thin places link .. where heaven is closer to earth and feels so.
But I think these spaces can be different for different people. Thank goodness! I would not want you all I MY beloved NYC. For me it is "died, and went to heaven" .. which is what we must look for close to where we are, so we can go at will. Every day for me things get worse. I hate seeing the struggle of the young people who work for these entitled ungrateful old people here, plus then I see the nonsense political conflict on the news, when we should frantically be BAILING together, because our boat is SINKING! Yup .. there IS no HOPE for us.
Then I remember to take a walk to a new place I have found .. far .. an hour walk so I sure am running away from work .. but raising our spirits will make everything work better right? Today I was wondering WHAT .. IS .. REALITY? Surely we have collapsed the world, but how can I still feel so hopeful on the west side? The same horror is in my head. The same PROOFS are REAL, that we can not sustain this idiocy of always only managing silo bandaid solutions. Yet when I go over by my "Well", (found because Netflix has an office there, and Netflix would be our best partner EVER!) once I even cross Ynge street? my spirits start to lift. It is so weird. It is like there is hope there. It is like the dreams I once had are actually still POSSIBLE!! But why? Why do I KNOW the same negative stuff .. (such that people RUN when they see doom and gloom Hilary coming) .. YEY! I feel we can do it.. we can FIX it! Together we can still do good and save our sinking ship. Very very strange I would say, eh??? You have to go find your GOOD SPACE .. where you still inexplicable feel hope!
Seriously .. go find yours! Open your mind to positive vs negative energy felt in a space.. whether a bar, a Nature Trail or a neighbourhood or even a city. Your spirits are just LIFTED MAGICALLY! But are you even PAYING ATTENTION to NOTICE THIS FEELING? Probably not. I implore you PAY ATTENTION. Thanks to wanting to find something GOOD for you .. I am now SURE this FEELING of positive energy is REAL. The energy supersedes the KNOWLEDHE that all is NOT RIGHT. Like the old days! Things were NOT perfect, yet we had HOPE they could be fixed. Today things are pretty terrible, and we wonder if they can be fixed. Is it the put down people in my life that have made me lose hope? YES, things are terrible TERRIBLE. Hmm? I guess however we get it, HOPE is the biggest resource of all!!! WE just were never taught it can come from ENERGY VIBRATION AROUND US!! There is so much SO important we are not taught. a TRUE conspiracy, a PLAN to keep us stupid!
Nyc Phila JOKE
Then the MORGUE!!
Now opposite side of town feel great! .. as I get back here, I start yelling at people being angry
The weather is beginning to terrify me and nothing here /now has ever scared me in 76 years! Just the future of US scares me. Also the speed of our idiocy seems to be exploding now .. every day things get more insane. My nightmare was one day EVERYTHING would quit working at once. We would be stuck in an elevator yet hearing all the car horns blaring while all our devices went down. Why do we need to LIVE IN SCREENS. I am seriously going to pare down everything I need to NOTHING (sorry I exaggerate 🙈 .. but I am trying, so my hoarding can only improve). Now while we simplify our lives TO GAIN CONTROL .. we REALLY APPRECIATE what we have while we still have it. This is kind of "GRATITUDE on STEROIDS" because I seriously think we have great scarcity coming very soon, and even tech stuff is being weird, plus animals, birds and insects.
I would think we will be lucky to have some food clean water and shelter. Those in charge are getting stupider daily. Like the paper straw law. I HONESTLY think their goal is killing us! Why else in TO after 4 years of covid life detraction they NOW have shut everything down for construction. Life is total hell .. you can not even WALK without losing the sidewalk, air or walking safely. Driving is impossible .. entire downtown streets are shut down. Seriously it is so INSANE they are either too stupid to live .. or pure evil. Why was this not done DURING covid? does that make sense to you?
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.