Sun. Aug 6, 2023, 3:30 pm.
Just like our credit cards, our "visas" .. we are mass in DEBT. We have no money and our debt is due. Even worse in our world we used everything ELSE OF VALUE up .. soil, water, air, people! Some of us are so angry we never got listened to with pur BETTER ideas we are ready to explode. Others are just angry at injustices forever. All our resources are depleted. Can we work to GROW THEM AGAIN?
Our mission is to constantly INCREASE the value of our new Human Stock exchange. That is EASY to do! Just do the OPPOSITE to what we have done faster and faster over the last 60 years. Always place MORE of these resources in our shared weUS Ledger than you withdraw. EASY!. Our stock market goes up. Those horrible Left B who say I am NEGATIVE when I find a problem are the very ones who ARE THEMSELVES NEGATIVE when I find a solution and am Euphoric. Them it is that I live in dreamworld and do not face reality! Mean people .. GO AWAY! You are the TWISTY gaslighters
WE want our We US Ledgers to INCREASE in value. The TOXINS decrees our quality of life BALANCE.
So we totally ?eshew the still current "greed is good" Wall Street philosophy.
Yes .. profit is NECESSARY but not at the expense of water, air, soil and the health of those who MADE YOU YOUR PROFIT!! That is not FAIR .. it is EVIL. get FAIR certified or we ban you!A Mass "strike", but not BUYING either.
But slow and hard to do, is better than the hell of life today and its overwhelming STRESS. We can be in HARD "heaven" with our 3 Life Ledgers. A Human Stock Exchange where everyone is RESPONSIBLE for the "we us ledgers but also the "ME!!" ledger we live in today) will work far better. Life will be far better quality than we now ENDURE . AND .. we will get TOTALLY Healthy again! (but we probably have to kill the drug company Czars 😈 )
Right brain thinker worriers forget to look after the self. So we also must respect our OWN health. Left brains must learn to think of MORE than "Me/ mine, here and now". To think wider further vISION than the self tunnel focus you think of others of the past and future. past = causes, future = consequences. These MUST be contemplated BEFORE action is taken.
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Mon. July 24, 2023, 3:30 pm
image.. the sheep just FOLLOW .. and here we are .. at the slaughter now, and we just followed along allowing all the TRUTH TWISTING, no problem. Edward bernays "marketing" subliminal twisting of minds
[an example .. refusing masks ..]
When your only goal is "me/ mine, here, now", then TRUTH is the last of your concern. Your Myopic single minded, narrow vision sees only the selfish shallow PICTURE. Left Brains use things for their benefit. They act with decision to get the job done.
Meantime Right brains want to fully UNDERSTAND the WHOLE PICTURE, and all the questions surrounding it. That takes time, patience and energy. By the time we have the WHOLE PICTURE clear and a good solution designed .. Left brains have already slapped on a BANDAID and left the scene! Why do you think every single one of our systems does not work? It is because Left brains are better salesmen and Lawyers and they are already in power before we Thinkers find our TRUTH. Then these fast action selfish (people?) have the nerve to say our well researched answer is just our OPINION, our perspective ! No you a h, we studied you did not .. our concept is the TRUTH not yours. And when we are wrong we try to add more to our research, but Left brains simply take what SUITS THEM to use for their own SELFISH goal. Sound like anybody you know?
No .. our division is not by political party .. I suggest politicians are all shallow, just taking opposing views and then demonizing the other. The TRUTH is usually somehere in between the opposing ideas. We used to have balanced brains .. the right hemisphere would THINK and then the Left would put the ideas into action. No more .. our brain wiring has been fried by the toxins of our "progress". And it would seem right wiring is more sensitive .. bec it seems there is surely less THINKNG going on. Apologies to poor young people doing 2 jobs .. of course the stress would make o shallow and selfish just to survive!
This is horrid chain of command separation and disconnect is INHUMAN. We live in an INHUMAN SYSTEM of silos of even disconnected MINI silos
incompetence seems mostly coupled with LIES and TWISTING .. yet they WIN!
go train EVIL .. or MASS stupidity .. inept is even worse than incompetent?!!
Thurs. Aug 3, 2023, 4:00 pm. MLM was made out to be evil so THEY could utilize a similar concept.
Nothing CONNECTS anymore. In Older times we went to the general store bought something and if it was bad the farmer was able to be contacted. Everything was connected human to human. Is it true that after the invention of MLM (define) and its being TWISTEd to EVIL that THEY then used this layered approach to avoid REAL responsibility to WORKERS and customers? It seems there are so many layers today one is ever responbilbe .. always some other company layer. We went from producer to consumer, .. to a MULTI LAYER system where there is producer, big corporation, distributor, shelf organizer, franchise selling and its manager. The little guy gets screamed at while the big boss causing the problems is layers and layers safely out of EAR SHOT!!
sNeaKy!! from NBC story to this .. canada thing .. sounds very good .. but is any of it true? They hijacked our trust of NBC. Is somebody just using a face we trust? Another few Years of A I .. for sure we will not be able to TRUST it is really Lisa LaFlame
Do people not understand there is an END to extreme? eg stupid boomers started the sexy clothes but we have now gone so far to S- - T dressing for everyday .. there is no more extreme available! What happens when skirts can not be shorter, and boobs are already falling out? what happens hen whole bodies are already tattooed .. where do we go when we have hit the END of extreme. All people have a nervous breakdown no longer ABLE to compete? hmm 🤔 ..🙈 ..😱
Sat. Aug. 5, 2023, 4:30 pm .. incomplete .. also see image here
Re Union Square ANARCHY .. SOme of these spoiled brat zombies are looking pretty fun. This is a game to them! an adventure! They are SMILING, thinking this is a great time FOR THEM .. while wasting hard working people's tax money, destroying a beautiful PUBLIC PARK. Do they think they are in one of their video games? What part of REAL DAMGE are they missing. They really are devoid of a MIND .. BECAUSE THEIR MIND IS DEVOID OF THEIR OWN DANGER!!! If we are going crazy doing idiot stuff it can ALSO hit us, hurt ME in my idiocy. Great job parents! you letvthe screen raise these monsters and this is what you get! Exceot the rest of us DECENT people have to pay for it with OUR LOSS of civil society!! We have hit NOT FAIR ON STEROIDS!!
Sat. Aug. 5, 2023, 7:30 am .. incomplete
Wake up people! You are being so CONNED .. especially in canada .. diversity REALITY??? divide and conquer!
Sat. Aug. 5, 2023, 7:30 am .. incomplete
Wake up people! You are being so CONNECD .. especially in canada .. diversity REALITY??? divide and conquer!
goal? KEEP US STUPID .. there is no "AHA!" moment .. everything is shallow, like the 2 outer onion shell layers .. A "gluten is GOOD" book vs why maybe gluten is only the latest rage? By the way gluten and sugar is the cause of most disease .. so call us conspiracy theorists .. and go let drug companies profit off your pain. Your choice .. just flow the sheep.
Unable to find REAL answers to actual problems leaves us in a constant state of confusion. Sure INFORMATION WORLD happened ..but guess what? CONNECTED information = opposing views = discussion = new ideas = analyzing and evaluating NEW connections of ideas = INVENTING truly new USEFUL things. Do you realize we invent less and less that improves our quality of life? Instead of an Apple Watch with health alerts why not just use less of our physical resources and have less toxins ON OUR BODY (like toxic EMF's). Maybe we should take RESPONSIBILITY for our body like normal humans "back in the day" BEFORE processed food destroyed our BRAINS (literally!)
Thinking and contemplating has been lost in our society, that WORSHIPS Fast and Easy convenience. Fast and easy is sadly no longer HUMAN. By humanity .. hello zombies that do not THINK. We are way too busy "influencing" or worse "following" Humans have become sheep ants led by the few.
Oh crap .. that leads right to the Cinnabon horror. My daughter markets Franchises and is so proud of the workers her businesses employ. I never really thought of a franchise as a LOCAL business just trying to het through life. I guess I always see it as "corporate". So we strike against an individual mom and pop business, because they do not want gay flags? What the hell .. what kind of a worker dictatorship is that? If this is a "free country" why can I not choose to keep my store SIMPLE. "Humans first, NO division allowed!"? In our society of disconnect we are no longer FREE at all. Those damn workers will put them out of business. That family paid a fortune for their franchise and are just trying to feed their family and be a good part of their community. What right do the workers have to strike when the franchise payment made by OTHERS gives them a job? Self absorbed SHALLOW idiots .. get striking for REAL problems! Like that workers are not treated like humans but robots and expendable! Think a little deeper sheep people .. maybe you should be STRIKING for something of actually value. The whole gay diversity thing is a perfect SCHEME to divide us. And you screamers have turned me AGAINST the gay community I have VAUED for decades. success for the power structure and exactly their aim. We are HUMAN first and each deserve respect, and FAIR DECENCY. Keep your gay to yourself and stop screaming because it is a 100% turn off to those of us who are quiet and were never mean to you BEFORE LGBprstuvXYZ. YOU .. let then accomplish their DIVISIVE GOAL.
LISTEN! Hear, Think, Reconsider, analyze, contemplate .. instead of scream the onion shell idea .. go deeper into the layers of problems. Maybe we are just too late. Stupidity (shallow, selfish, too lazy to THINK) REIGNS now. Are THINKING HUMANS still the majority? Hopefully our QUIET yelling is missed because the idiots scream their nonsense so loud.
Of course this disconnect of IDEAS (stupid strikers not recognizing they are destroying a small business) is ALSO a disconnect of PEOPLE .. HUMANS .. ALL Humans should be treated with respect, responsibility and FAIR ness. Why do I have to give SPECIAL treatment to gays? Nobody gives me special treatment for being "crazy" (bipolar aka GENIUS!) I want a parade and a month!! Yes we are NOT NORMAL .. face it .. and stop shoving the gay in my face and figure out WHY this is now so prevalent! DO SOMETHING .. besides scream. NO! It is not normal to be sexually confused. Figure out WHY! They say birth control is in our Great Lakes message up FISH genitals. Maybe we should be putting our energy into researching .. instead of SCREAMING and striking and destroying little people's business! Shallow selfish behaviour will soon EXTINCT humanity (link McGilchrist)
Metro strike .. thought it was over! My store is open! I asked if they got a more respectful work envirinment .. nope THEY are not on Strike. What the frig!!! I discovered there is M
Talk about DISCONNECT. OK no more Metro in my life then. Damn! none of my cheap meal platters .. 1$ less best cashew cookies! It is time to "put my money where my mouth is" .. (god, us old people had STUPID SAYINGS!) I am telling you to quit shopping at bad companies .. time for me to ACTUALLY SACRIFICE! But I will hurry up and get a card to the REAL STRIKERS WITH DISCIPLINE, so they can use my ideas. When I spoke to them last time they were so appreciative I presume most people are just offended they can not grab what was on their mind. God we are selfish shallow zombies. We do deserve apocalypse .. it won't be global warming it will be an H Bomb .. exploding humans!
incomplete. .. was it a METRO driver who did not veen know how much the food delivery costs. not even a estimate clue .. ??? what the hell is wrong with this planet?
Yesterday I saw 2 men examining the electric car charging station, I had seen the gas station shut down to construct. Asked if they were the company involved .. yes .. Since there was NOTHING around here, no cafe, no park, no store to browse in .. I wondered how long I had to ?wait in my car while charging? Can you believe the guys installing the charger had NO CLUE!!!!
Sorry power structure .. if you MISTAKENLY think this DISCONNECT keeps more control for YOU .. you are so VERY very stupid. Yup your brain wiring is destroyed. Your MIND is missing .. and so is ours from all the myriad OTHER toxins. I can not imagine DOING either of these jobs and not KNOWING THE ANSWER. Are we maybe already robots?
Plus giving the best worker @!! "jobs" to do. how did you feel when they let the other guy go and gave YOU his job? guilty if you are right brain? I guess left would just feel PRIDE and added self confidence and deservedness.)
Old people say "why do your kids not have secure jobs? .. what is the matter with them?" (and the rage begins in me). Yeah "head in the sand ostrich" .. we had one or 2 jobs in our LIFETIME. Today you have that every few years!! plus the job may not be FULL TIME so you need to train 2x and commute 2X, never mind there is no weekend or evening off. A job WAS what you did to pay rent eat and enjoy life a little. "ENJOY LIFE" .. as in having one! I know a guy in order to take a holiday, have a car, he works from 7:00 am til 2:00 pm one job .. comes to our place and works 3pm to 11 pm. WHAT THE HELL WAY TO DESTROY YOUNG PEOPLE"S HEALTH!! so Mon. to Fri. (no! not even a ROUTINE schedule here) he works 80% of the day with like 4 or 5 hours sleep. This is NOT how we treat human beings
HAH!! Just realized this! .. with a NOT ROUTINE SCHEDULE you can NOT get comfortable with your FELLOW WORKERS. Having a comfortable NORMAL HUMAN ROUTINE allows you to disucss complaints with fellow workers you become close to. Keeping EVERYTHING disjointed and disconnected keeps us off balance too .. more controlled. Well surprise surprise evil power structure, you are actually creating an H bomb! One of these day we each will just EXPLODE and it won't be pretty. yikes .. maybe that is what happened in Union Square yesterday Aug 4 /23? Maybe those were not HORRIBLE spoiled brats? Maybe those were kids who see no future EXPLODING at all the injustices? Hmm .. which is worse .. I do not WANT to be right about the H Bomb. Is it better they are just kids who think they are "special" with parents who never taught them to be HUMAN??
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link .. plant being automated on nbc. $100,000 tech "jobs"!!! never mind hundreds who lost THEIR income to feed family or pay rent.
eeeyih!! driverless cars .. (never mind some university BIZ degrees are already stuck delivering .. no more $ from that even!) !! seriously what part of no job = no $ to be a CONSUMER does idiot top level MANAGEMENT not get?? Everyone seems to be delivering food on bikes .. what will they do for rent ?
add .. Jimmie Fallon .. fred armisan as valet .. but car parks itself .. I guess there really are 17 % of jobs as driving!!! .. soon gone!
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We live in our ME ledger. We forget or are too lazy to attend to our WE and US Life ledgers. Dr McGilchrist says our reality becomes what we ATTEND TO .. what've give our ATTENTION to. Good luck with that .. the only thing our society has paid attention to is bigger, better, faster, easier MORE for "ME/ mine, here, now." The common and greater good is forgotten. "me first, screw you"
IRRESPONSIBLE parents of their SPECIAL children have created THIS society. HORRIFYING. Look at the glee on these faces. I thought it might be my H bomb exploding. Humans just losing ot .. knowing there will be no jobs for then no fairness. Yah .. right look at those smiling faces thinkng they are in a virtual game. Zombie oblivious to damage causing to family business and ordinary people' little aprk to enjoy. What the hell .. those parents should all be in JAIL .. and we should need a COUSE in parneting and a LICENSE before you are allowed to procreate!
seriously this is JUST horrifying! what kind of animals are these. whoops .. very sorry animals you NEVER act this way. Irresponsible parents letting an IPAD "parent" have destroyed humanity. Watch this video and be APALLED. Hmm .. maybe too may in NYC are wealthy bec. I had a 20 yr old friends say this behaviour sounds like RICH PEOPLE. Good thinkng. so my beloved CIVIL HUMAN NTC has been destroyed by these LAZY irresponsible parnets who think a human is BORN. NO idiot ... a human is NURTURED .. taught long and hard over years of discipline to be a RESPONSIBLE member of society.
Obviously these monsters have been taught nothing by their parents. I am so angry becaseu when you look at these kids faces this is just FUN to them!! they seem completely oblivious and that is from devoid of responsibility NON PARENTING. They would not even listen to the police! Bold as hell. I have interacted with this kind of monster group .. so opposite to the respect we used to be given as elders .. complete utter disrespect used to blow my mind. I see the garbage they leave behind .. total disrespect for others! The parents of these monsters belong in jail .. there zombie beings are a danger to the EXTINCTION of humanity. Think I am over reacting .. no wake up .. it may already be too late.
Oh .. I hear the scream kid again (50 youths playing sports, but all you hear is this scream kid all minutes long, never stopping) .. whose parent said I should just move. I knew his answer was INHUMAN. And now we apparently have legions of these inhuman parents. Good luck now. You should have listened long ago when I said parnets need to have a license to have a kid (and LONG parenting classes.) Fine nobody ever listened to anything and I was right with EVERYTHING. You better bring your friends along to build our Reverse world .. I am about 5 minutes from quitting .. and all I will get from my life is "I told you so."😓
Are we a socity of teenagers? I can do say what I want .. no sorry .. you are not NORMAL. Face it .. we can spread gay flags all we want but if us "mentally " ill are not norma >> then you damn well are not NORMAL EITHER! We are the thinkers and creatives and inventors .. where is our flag and month? Oooh you are ENTITLED to BE who you want eh? Yet we are stigmatized because our brain actually works and we rather be addicts than face the horrible world YOU created. You the screamers, who Winn bcaseu you are loudest and fastest. While the human INTELLIGENCE .. the right brain gets left behind. Great .. look at the mess you ahed made. union square if YOU DOING .. you entitled "I am special .. normal .. perfect". A decent human is decent and FAIR to ALL. There is no need for all the SPECIAL groups. While you were dividing and diversifying .. the world fell apart because there was NO thought to the common and great good .. ONLT TO "I am special!" ENTITLEMENT!
"I can dress like a slut, choose to be a man.. say what I want, even if a twisted lie. But you better not tell me to keep my dog by me .. because then (since I am black?) you are a RACIST!" convoluted ?entitled? NONSENSE that is CRAZY making! Wat have we done to humanity .. when you really THINK about it .. it is actually VERY Scarry.
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Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Thurs. July 20, 2023, 10:30 am. .. from Linked In to Facebook (neglected YEARS) .. How do people have time for this web of lost attention to the actual goal?? I just wasted 15 min!! but did learn.
Eric was my BIZ friend years ago .. what?? Trump? .. now my enemy?? yet lots of good ideas here .. re VAX etc. (check Brian .. sure right. 😢 more people die from Heart disease EVERY year .. how stupid have we become?)
But .. Now I am confused. Solution? Be truthful disagree and then LISTEN to the EXPLANATION to learn. If Eric is truly Left brain he will REFUSE or be UNABLE to learn new different ideas. My son is less left brain than daughter. we disagree but can learn from each other and at least rethink and sometimes RECONSIDER. That is the only way .. or the WAR will just WORSEN!
Confusion is horrible .. and now EVERYTHING is confusing becaeu nothing is TRUTH. How to destroy HEALTH especially emotional .. rage!! plus despair increase.
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Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
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In my website i ask if we should kill Left brains? well, they are destroying civilization! Left brains are thise in power where the only thing that matters is PROFIT and POwer created by US .. worker productivity. As they destrpy our health more and more before completely getting rid of us with A I and robots. Sorry but that is truly an ENEMY of us. it is not killing because Trump does not get in. Sayin you will die vs not having true as leader .. it surely means YOU will be starting the fight just as you did on Jan 6. Am I being a hypocrite to hate this NONSENSE when I myself have said people have to die? I don't think so becaseu those people are ACTUALLY slowly murdering us! it is not the freedom these trumpers want or death .. it is actual health and DYING. you cannot work 3 shits in 2 days and be part-time with no lunch or benefits! Yound people's health is suffering from greed. That may kill slowly but it kills and I believe that is EVIL. Putting your abundance ahead of another's basic life is EVIL. Sorry but I believe god would say I am right?
To kill for one's own and other's safety is self defence. It is a different thing being STUPID and thinkng your way is the right way .. when it is BRAINLESS .. not even caring to find TRUTH! I am not being insuting, republicans and dems used to be able to talk and compromise, but lose of brain wiring leaves some people devoid of their mind and DISCUSSING. Discussing is soo so very important, it is the civil discussion of opposingviewpoints. But it involves HEARINGto try to understand the opposing idea. we no longer HEAR! We jump onto STUPID IDEAS and that is as far as the "information" goes. This is not TRUTH or HUMAN INTELLIGENCE !
"Let's just take this "fact", as if it were ANALYZED .. since it serves our purpose .. and run with it. How many times have Republicans or even dems done that? This is not acceptable HUMAN behaviour! It takes time is hard and INCONVENIENT to find TRUTH! In our society worshipping fast and convenient we can no longer be bothered with FULL TRUTH, nothing but the TRUTH so help us god! This is why the country if decaying! Without running a society on truth and TRUST, you have NOTHING.
If we built a gated community based on REAL "COMMUNISM" .. we all share our resources EQUALLY, and we lived with TRUTH, it would create TRUST and we would have a very LIVEABLE community. Do you see how everything has been TWISTED. Not even what we are taught in school is TRUTH .. it is Propoganda. Once the PROPAGANDA or lies are out of the bag, trust and respect are lost.
Mon. July 24, 2023, 1:00 pm
Governments are no longer serving "we the people". They serve politicians, big companies and the wealthy .. NOT us. Is this what all the yelling about the "globalist agenda" was? And covid was the perfect excuse to create global control. eeeyiiih 😱 .. writing that? I woke up .. Scarry as hell!
Did our governments become TOXIC? Are they a complete NEGATIVE, a withdrawal in our 3 ledger NEW LIFE? Shutting down globally was evil .. since covid killed less people than heart disease does EVERY single year. I know this is TRUE, because I had checked the # BEFORE covid happened.
Today it seems Israel is becoming evil, dictatorship? Canada has become truly EVIL. Don't PRETEND things you are not .. TWISTING is the worst lie of all. I respect a person who is just all out CRUEL, more than one PRETENDING to be nice, but out to destroy you. Canada is now destroying our supplements industry! Some of us stay away from their DRUG PUSHING, so stealing our nutritient cures may gain them more drug profits I guess? After all Galen Weston owns most grocery and Processed food access in Canada .. BUT .. he also owns our Drugstore chain. 🤔. 😱. 😈 ..🤬 Sure, inflame our body with his sadly DELICIOUS processed food, and then profit off drugs for the diseases the inflammation caused. Cutting off my supplements .. sorry .. but now I seriously hate you canada. You government power twisters are EVIL.
Solution .. somehow we have to create our own gated community .. be like mennonites. Sorry! I have no answer for anything .. only that CONNECTED, sharing our human intelligence, we CAN beat the evil. David CAN take down Goliath .. but we can not suck up to Goliath or use any of his crap even the job he offers .. to enslave us.
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