Sun Aug. 6, 2023, 7:30 am
Give us a try .. but 3 strikes and you are OUT. Then you get 3 chances ... after 3 months, try again .. 6 months, can you be FAIR? .. Try to learn how to put others first, and after a year, try again. Then FAIL at being kind to others again and it is BYE BYE. You are just too selfish to be a member. Our Tech talents will build a block chain ledger to track our SPECIAL good .. or bad? it is not me as Dictator sending you packing. Maybe articles like these can help you? But if you choose and WANT to be more caring of others, THAT is the most important point that shows you still have humanity. (WE will help and support you any way we can.) The Zombies are just zombies, and can not even contemplate OTHERS well being. They will not even CONSIDER trying a better way to be. Together we will have to decide how we handle zombies.
Wed. July 26, 2023. noon
We don't need 10 commandments. Just one! Replace "me first, screw you" with FIRST .. adding to the "WE/US LIFE LEDGER". You know .. the common and GREATER GOOD comes FIRST, before "me" .. we are NOT special .. we are all the same (humans!).. all deserving EQUAL respect and value.
There will be no diversity and inclusion NONSENSE here .. because we respect EACH HUMAN and are decent and FAIR to all. So take your "(diversity and inclusion) DIVISION CON JOB" scam and get the hell away from HERE. Don't come if you are a women's libber demonizing men or you want me to learn LGBQRSTUVXY!! There is a NORMAL .. normal is most of us ! But it does not mean we are mean to or disrespect someone who is NOT the normal. we NEED to be able to generalize in order to connect and fix BIG things. By making EVERYTHING "normal" you actually DIVIDE humans from fixing the BIG problems. We have BIG problems right now .. like world end or at least end of humanity VERY SOON! I could care less about whether you are L .. G .. B. Q or rstuvX!! one of my best friends was gay before you were born so get the heck out of here! We better remember we are HUMAN FIRST .. Men and woMEN working together. Yes men and women ARE different .. BUT unless we stick yogether as HUMANS we will not make it. And unless we get over ourSELVES and face we NEED normal to ORGANIZE things. To not have chaos and confusion, we need GENERALIZING ("normal") for understanding. I have NEVER been "normal" .. never expected to eb CALLED normal. But how about we allow putting things in more simple GROUPS so we can UNDERSTAND each other.
Do you think immigrant diversity and LGBQ whatever the hell confusion of language and sex it is made me more caring? NO!! The exact opposite .. I just hate EVERYBODY "special, shallow and SELFISH" equally now. 🤬 🤯 InTO. everybody speaking a diff language is a real problem solving solution right .. all little ethnic groups . NO IDIOT .. it is a way to TOTALLY DIVIDE. Wake up and grow up or GET OUT OF HERE.
What I have been working on .. to think before you act! .. is just human .. not republican or democrat! At first I was sure republicans were Left brain ACTION and us nice democrats were the THINKKNG LEFT. But not long ago I had lots of agreements with republicans. This DIVISION is only in the last decade or so. And it is TOO LATE for childish division. We are at the end of our society's continuation! Mcgilchrist feels left brains are destroyng CIVIZATION. Those business Ceo's who think "greed is good" can only DAMAGE our TOTAL societal health or quality of life. I am only REVISING capitalism and democracy .. not removing it. Profit is fine .. but NOT at the cost of destroying ANY shared resources. Writing that makes my blood boil. What ever would make a HUMAN think he can profit while destroying the VALUE we ALL SHARE. Thank god you are brain dead .. or death for your greed would be too goo. Brain DEAD is disabled and I should be empathetic.
I just have never said it so clearly. Whatever on all that is HUMAN would possess you to think destroying our AIR quality, the cleanness of our water and the pureness of our soil FOR YOUR AND YOUR SHAREHOLDERS PROFIT .. how is that even human. You are BRAIN dead. And yes your shareholders are trying to build a pension. Mine is too much and should long ago have been reduced so younger teachers are not left with NOTHING. But the world without me as dictator works in very strange ways .. nothing is FAIR .. or TRUE! So you have a choice Mr evil CEO 1) LEARN to THINK, 2) off our island, 3) asylum or 4) death .. your choice.
But .. there are probably tons of companies who do not have Jeff Bezos greed at the helm. They will want to partner .. so why not the Republican Party? The moderates or middle who disagree with the whole system. It felled like all that matters is THEM. We the people are forgotten. Could my Reverse World 3 ledger accounting System be adopted by the HUMANS in both parties. Whoever wins worlds together to SAVE HUMANITY. Never mind global weirding .. we are going down in the toxins and stress we have DESTROYED all Societal health with! We have created a H Bomb .. humans ready to EXPLODE .. sick or with injustice either lashing in or OUT! Either way a mom is waiting toseoon explode!
Life is an ONION. There are always more layers of a problem to study. Left brains .. those in power ONLY consider the 2 outer layers .. the SHELL of the onion. Thinkers or RIGHT Hemisphere brains want to UNDERSTAND to find reasons (past) and solve for possible unexpected consequences Future). We are slow .. yes, turtles, but when they say we win the race .. THEY MEAN THE REAL RACE as in REAL SUCCESS, vs a shallow bandaid solution. The hare is faster, but the easy "success" is just a bandaid and all the bandaids are falling off now!
Before the WHOLE failing government, and POLITICS gets blamed, join in a NEW CONNECTED MIDDLE GROUP .. no division and demonization .. only serious Listening ....
Think of how stupid we look. We are sinking . our boat os going DOWN. What are we doing? Fighting instead of bailing.
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back ground : Health obsessive (build your body like strong but beautiful ARCHITECTURE) H S teacher, disability (= revenge on mental health STIGMA) inventor, career creator, mom of children teaching me .. the only thing we need to know is McGilchrist's Left Right brain NEW RESEARCH !! Left will destroy civilization and it is ALL those who are in power! Easy bandaid Onion shell solutions instead of going down into the hard layers of understanding (an onion). The 2 protective onion shells run our lives. They are opposite sides and divide us and in disconnect further destroy our humanity.
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