Thurs. Aug. 3, 2023, 2:00pm.
Only REAL Humans are allowed as members. REAL humans have a mind and "heart". Our soul must reside in our Right brain, but Right hemisphere wiring is more sensitive and destroyed more easily. The remaining Left wiring "being" acts as a WARRIOR does with less HUMANITY .. attacks whatever seems an enemy. There is no first THINKNG and trying to UNDERSTAND what is happening, just ATTACK. Those who still have balanced wiring lean toward kindness to others, not toward "ME First, screw you".
This is why we need only one commandment .. Be FAIR and decent! Think FIRST of the common and greater good. Our society has become one of "me/ mine, here, now" bandaid SILOS. Perhaps when they see our simple way works better .. those we SHUN may listen, learn to be human again .. and join us. (my whole family?)
Note .. this is very SIMPLE .. but damn HARD to do! To COMMUNICATE CIVILLY and COMPROMISE is hella HARD, and slow and painstaking. Not fast and convenient like has become our god. Hard "heaven" beats the Selfish Shallow Society we now exist in.
TRUE ETHICAL "Principles" .. vs RULES? rules, too much like laws .. no leeway for COMMON SENSE?
Never mind piecemeal STRIKES. We need a MASS HUMAN STRIKE! We will not work for OR BUY FROM companies who are not FAIR. If you want us to buy from you or join your workers, become CERTIFIED FAIR. Pay us FAIR, pay taxes FAIR and do NOT destroy our SHARED air, water, or soil! In return we citizens TOO will be more RESPONSIBLE and manage RESOURCES better.
A new MASS Human STRIKE .. BLACKMAIL! Buy in to FAIR or lose everything .. no workers no customers
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
1) you can have a yacht and mansions .. but you respect and pay the workers that MADE THAT PROFIT FOR YOU .. DECENTLY and FAIRLY
2) Freedom? we are not free. Vote .. what once in 2 years while the person does what benefits the ANYWAY? No we can change that NOW. Why can't we use blockchain ledger and bvote for EVERYTHING?
OUR ELECTED OFFICIAL just manages and acts to complete the ORDERS of our vote.
complete this .. Parliament St Park .. street was shut .. some hated , some (me) loved, but no time to visit.
.. who can vote? .. how much is their vote worth? ie a biz there is worth 5, live there 3, me who seldom comes I vote VALUE or even ZERO .. no vote for me.
NO VOTE IF UNEDUCATED. LOts of new jobs in vote evaluating and counting!
SPACE that is being wasted ..
an empty factory or warehouse, a farm, an Island, a derelict hotel, a street of old people who are lonely, empty house and needing help. I am awesome at designing CONVENIENT modest space for living. If only I could just focus here. Tiny Houses? Shared awesomeness in a freight container? .. there should be no homeless! Everyone contributes and everyone gets at least a decent life, not starving or living in a tent.
Everyone has skills and talents. By sharing and trading them all of our needs can be met. If Bruce Springsteen lives among us and we all give our spare ($) for his concerts .. he gets rich. You also get (paid) more for unsafe work, more skilled effort, overnite work, unhealthy work .. EVERYTHING is ANALYZED, compared and FAIRLY valued. The direct opposite to our UNFAIR society. REAL humans are not happy STRESSED "Selfish and shallow". We allow NO STRESS in our gated community. It is the H Bomb that will destroy humanity! Stress is UNFAIR .. FAIR fixies everything. Those who live in selfish GREED say "Life's not fair, get over it!" They will be throw off our island since they imposterd their way in! Think about sayings we have .. they were created by greedy inhumane. "money isn't everything" .. well no it surely is the least valuable of our human needs .. BUT when you are homeless and starving money IS EVERYTHING! Maybe that was made up back in the days when we were envious of mansions .. but there could be no love in that luxury .. so back in the 60's it still made sense. WE WERE PAID FAIRLY THEN!
Everyday our value unit .. weUS? is considered in everything we do. We can be Downs syndrome and the most valuable member of the community. I remember our village DR's daughter "retarde" in those days but I always felt she was a most valuable mer of the village. She was so sweet loving and POSITIVE, that she was inspiring and motivational! I would pay her out of our "bank" ledger
Tues. Aug. 8, 2023, 9:00 am
But First, a STRIKE ..a MASS HUMAN Strike! Like an"OCCUPY" except we UN-occupy NOT FAIR BUSINESSes
Ok Biz .. do you want to work toward paying workers FAIR, not "pollute" in any way (as in destroy Health and Resources purely for profit = our new def of "pollute"!)
If you certify to be FAIR .. share resources fairly with others vs a GREED, sole $ focus .. we will buy from and work for you. Otherwise "bye bye" .. without us workers and consumers you have NOTHING. We are going to UN-OCCUPY YOUR world and create our own.. Reverse World .. for "WE, the people"
A mass STRIKE means sacrifice and self discipline and doing WITHOUT. Not fun! .. BUT .. what do think it will be like when you HAVE no job? Isn't starving and not being able to pay rent BY CHOICE better than when there is NO MORE HOPE. A I and robots will destroy society finally. Left brains in charge do not even get there will be NO CUSTOMERS. Robots can do the work .. but they do not BUY!!! 🤯
The hands are meant as "YES! WE are in this as a COMMUNITY, focused on WIN WIN Health for all!
How about our mantra is LESS competition and more "WIN WIN" ..add .. Raptor win story .. they won by one point?? that other team is NOT the loser! .. but our world dictates that!
With that old Toronto championship, in my dictator "REVERSE world" there would have been TWO WINNERS! TO. and their opposing team would BOTH BE WINNERS! If you are a rabid sports enthusiast, I bet you are LEFT brain. AS long as you still have "Right brain THINK wiring" attention BALANCING you ..then welcome. Otherwise sports people are probably WARRIORS. They are not like us worriers about everything and EVERYBODY doing WELL. If you can still balance the idea of EVERYBODY winning .. WELCOME .. we need your managing / action brain!
Sun. July 23, 2023, 1:00 pm.
We are replacing the "WIN LOSE game" the Founding Fathers are CRYING over .. and returning to a SYSTEM truly for US .. WE THE PEOPLE .. a win win for all .. if THEY want to join us. Otherwise we will have to have a WAR .. good against evil. THEY have destroyed the environment (but we helped by being COMPLACENT) so GROW UP and take PERSONAL responsibility!! After destroying our cosmic HOME .. the environment, the greed of incessant "progress" is now destroying our very HEALTH. THET have created a bomb of WORSE DESTRUCTION than Oppenheimer. Destroying the health of people is worse than an Atomic bomb and the effect more like the (nuclear? late) long Torturing effects. a BILLION BOMB of exploding people!
People are dying from fire flood and storm and from the effects of toxins inflaming disease. But Now THEY have destroyed our EMOTIONAL health by stealing our HOPE. Without hope how are young people supposed to live? They become addicted, overdose, commit suicide or enraged start shooting. Unless we create REAL change now humanity will be extinct very soon. Are the EVIL or alien? Can they seriously be THIS stupid? If tIm's coffee destroys our jobs by giving them to screens and robots who will buy their coffee?? We won't have job $ to pay for any of their stuff! They can not be THAT shallow thinking OR STUPID .. they must be alien or pure evil.
Why are we supposed to read a big Bible .. it is all simple .. just hard to do! Let's quit wasting time praying and reading and work together DISCUSSING opposing viewpoints. Gun, no gun .. abortion no abortion, BOTH sides have valid points. Only problem .. LEFT brains are shallow onion shell ACTION steaming at each other but solving nothing. The only thing their screaming does is Crete division. Sorry left brains in charge you actually have to SOLVE problems not create another stupid BANDAID! We won the screaming match so you get NO ABORTION.
The reason I am ready to MURDER left brains as evil .. even if they are disabled (after all they ARE destroying civilization! The reason we may have to murder (Called "war" when those who choose KILLING as leaders say it! weird eh? and we wonder about PRSD. The leaders never got that trauma .. just the veterans they then disrespect. hmm . Veterans get a day, while gays get a month. ??? 🤔Very interesting. Gays create division, so the longer pushed the better, a whole month to create division. Hell! what a TWISTED world we live in! We spent summers in Uptown in the 70's! One of my best friend was gay and brother in-law died of AIDS. But THEY have managed to turn ME against the gay community .. so imagine those that had animosity to begin. Screaming creates division .. anybody screaming gets a 👎🏼 from me. Besides LGBQRSTUVZ is too much for me. GET OVER YOURSELF. Humanity is going extinct do you really think iCARE who you screw??? Keep it to yourself .. have some class which we have totally lost. Don't worry I want normal people to do the same.
AND SORRY .. there is 100% normal of EVERYTHING. NO different will only help THEM I'm special just divides us. Being Fat is bad, NOT NORMAL! Because you will not be healthy. Lost weight in respect fro YOU, nmtbecaseu a magazine cover conned you into feeling bad. They are conning you because they prefer we all die .. so their robots are easier to control. HAH! Wouldn't it be fun if they ganged up on the evil power structure? probably a movie?
EVERYTHING is a plot to keep us down! Seriously the sole purpose of every single thing being pushed on us is for their CONTROL OF US. An pay attention .. you dare not disagree like me .. I will now be ?pillioried, maybe found dead if you support me. But I will only be hated by those shallow selfish LEFT brain onion shells! People willing to stop and THINK will begin to see what a CON JOB our lives now are. Get out of here, you left brain losing humanity "no soul" beings! Leave us alone, we are REAL onions who think thru the layers under the 2 shells to get to the heart or closer to TRUTH and a REAL solution. All you 2 outer layers do is divide and demonize right vs wrong, good vs evil. NO!! It is never that simple. Recognize that your brain no longer functions to think deeply and use our resource. We need your action brain to speed up our solutions. Together we can fix things faster, BUT YOU HAVE TO LISTEN and LEARN from us!
The rest of us? .. Let's Wake up or GROW the hell up! No more! Let's get some balls and take back our lives from THE TWISTED EVIL PLOT to steal everything from our MIND and SOUL!
or .. our new BIBLE!
Be a DECENT, FAIR Human or business .. or get out of our country island or planet. ME is not first weUS is .. the common or Greater good. selfish is not allowed until after we see we are HARMING no one or other THING (like earth) Our irresponsibility may already have done to much damage to return from successfully. WE thought success was power and profit.This greed has destroyed earth and now probably HUMANITY.
The CEO gave us a TOOL so he need not be puppet master,
when love of
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
Sun. July 23, 2023, 5:30 pm. (image .. intensive care physician)
Total Personal Health is made up of 3 parts ..
Note the last direction of our Health components. How can smoothies and yoga make us healthy when we are working 2 jobs barely able to pay rent? How can BREATHING make us feel better when we have no more hope in our life. To those of us struggling, everything seems so shallow and UNTRUE. Hal off our stuff is from a BYGONE era .. the middle class family! How can you be healthy when stress and despair of any better future are constantly pulling you down? To be healthy we need the whole SYSTEM thrown out and a NEW ONE developed. Our Health is being destroyed by SOCIETY. The Billion bomb is being created by the people in power wanting us troublesome workers destroyed. They are stupid (who can then buy their stuff?) evil or .. maybe alien?
WE can do that by refusing to work or BUY anything not FAIR to us and earth. We have another year or so before robots or trump? will destroy all that is left for us. (trump may create civil war?)
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it.
Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
Running a holiday sale or weekly special? Definitely promote it here to get customers excited about getting a sweet deal.
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
Wed. July 19, 2023, 5:00 pm. If your company, headquartered in your town is willing to become a FAIR Certified member, we will not leave them in the lurch. So the Buffalo Starbucks "strike" should have involved everybody not just buffalo. Unless we stick together and take personal responsibility .. it is very soon too late.No more fake CSR or ESG .. this time it is REAL .. REAL RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY for the common and greater good or THEY have no business. For now a business needs WORKERS and BUYERS. Once AI and robots take over THEY will have neither! Without jobs how do they expect us to buy their crap. We will be homeless and starving. Too late .. we will have lost all control. So we have a brief time to USE OUR POWER. Soon it will be gone.
Wed. Aug 2, 2023, 4:30 pm
But what if they refuse to be FAIR and even try to stop us? Sorry Left brain Warriors .. we will have to kill you. We said this is the last WAR. We gave you many choices
YOU are DISABLED! Your Right brain is not working. You are mentally ill TOO .. but had no compassion for the SYNAGOGUE shooter above. You were biased and closed minded. Now it is Right brains turn to be MEAN and STIGMATIZING, but for us .. only in self DEFENCE.