Mon. July 31, 2023, 4:00 pm.
We have TOTALLY lost our way. First we lost our MANNERS, then civility, now we are losing our humanity. A being roaming with no MIND or "Heart" is not a human. We are stressed in selfish shallow zombies! WE need to take back our PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to regain our TOTAL Health .. or die like little "sheep ants"! It is time to take back control .. we are not FREE anymore becaseu we got too complacent and let the powerful completely take over. That would be fine if they had OUR HEALTH at heart. NO the goal of capitalism is MORE profit and MORE power. We the people have been forgotten.
Human Intelligence requires CONNECTING not just HUMANS in communication but also connecting our IDEAS! How am I now 76 only now realizing we learn, rethink connect DISCUSS in our mind when we READ! We discuss with ourself .. that is THINKING, looking at OPPOSING ideas! A society based on a screen of video is not thinkng as much .. a book is still there if you look away to think. Do we tend to forget to hit pause in video. Maybe we can reteach ourself to use video more like a book?
Today, our ideas are mostly SILO FOCUSED, a small niche .. seldom a broader, more social or philosophical view. Smoothies or yoga or gluten free will NOT make you healthy .. a far bigger picture is needed. Like ability to pay rent not requiring 2 soon gone jobs! We have disconnected EVERYTHING in our supposed "progress" to a "connected" digital world.
Toxins from our "progress" have destroyed our brain wiring. It seems more Left brain ACTION wiring remains. "Just Get 'er done." does not allow time to HEAR and understand Right brain "worriers" concerns. Left brains in charge is why we have ended up with very SHALLOW selfish "progress" that is unsustainable in every area! Our world is collapsing because Left Brains run it. Warrior vs worrier character is also the basis of all conflict. Or at least once you understand McGilchrist's work a lot of problems make total sense. WE have lost our common sense and reasoning. The masses becaseu the are STRESSED shallow and selfish just trying to survive.
Our "TOTAL Health" depends on the things listed in the diagram, not on iPhones and more drugs !to cure made up disease!! (certain foods/chemicals inflame our DNA .. stop eating them!!) Learning how to RE connect ideas, instead of everything DISCONNECTED .. can save Humanity. But only if we act NOW .. before AI and robots take over our ability to SURVIVE at all. Maybe the "Theory of everything HUMAN" is wake up and grow up .. let's work together to save the EXTINCTION of humanity.
Everything is DUAL .. good and bad .. but extreme is always bad. Elevators are great but taken to 40 floor skyscrapers, they turn neighbourhood into HEARTLESS concrete. Left brain Developers want more profit, to hell with Quality of Life for mere regular humans. Capitalism is good. Work hard you win. But taken to extreme with no "heart" for those less able to focus solely on SELF "me/mine, here, now" capiatlism becomes EVIL. We have reached a point where capitalism mists be REVISED or humanity is extinct. Right brain Worriers who are more selfless, sw all the problems coming but selfish Left brains chose to ignore us. WE either revise capitalism now to a more "FAIR system" or humanity is extinct soon. We already have far too many STRESSED selfish and shallow zombies that are no longer HUMAN. A phone faced sheep ant without responsibility or respect for oTHERS is no longer human. Humans have a mind and "heart" but it resides in the Right brain wiring destroyed by our toxic life style and "progress"
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Mon. July 24, 2023, 9:45 pm
The forced control with covid .. induced fear, while more die of heart disease EVERY single year. The trauma it caused will take decades to recover from .. if ever. I am numbed out of normal living with all the friends that died (NOT from covid), the loss of my city Buffalo (no border crossing), and now ANY loss seems too great a magnitude to handle. I had got into "Hey Go" a wonderful LIVE Tour site that allowed me to pretend I was in NYC. It was paid by tips. But of course nobody tipped, they just rudely used the group as their talk community. When it collapsed, it was just one too may losses for me. Still cannot look at the videos created. But what about the damage to young people?
My trauma is nothing .. what about kids who missed their introduction to High school or Elementary school socializing, or their last prom or grad? Young people lost the most formative years of their life! lost the creation of memories we all have. there was also something so horrible about not going to the funerals of loved ones.
And there was something so strange and ?debillitating about being locked in and unable to SEE faces or hug etc. I think we had no idea how important all the little things were, all that we LOST in our global shutdown of WEIRD! How did we not see people's FACES for 3 years. That fried something in our BRAIN. I was an adventurous person who travelled to NYC and Phila every few months and it took me almost 4 years to get out of the box that NO VAX put me in.
Not cool, not cool at all. Imagine people who tended to stay home mostly. Our whole Emotional and Physical Health has been altered from this evil plan to control us. Never mind the collapse of our Economic and Systems health! We now do everything on screen, disconnected from REAL humanity! Was that the plan? get us hold outs FORCED online? Very strange. It certainly accomplished final total disconnection of humans. Our health may never be the same.
THis site is focused on SYSTEM Health. All of our systems were collapsing BEFORE covid . Now everything is exposed for the decay it really is. It is a good time to start over .. HEALTH not "care", REAL education as in human INTELLIGENCE sharing, FAIR instead of Laws and no Justice, Personal responsibility in return for a share of the resources. In Other words a new SYSTEM of WIN/WIN instead of our win LOSE rigged "game" of today.
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