Thurs. Aug 3, 2023, 11:00 am .. incomplete
Unless .. it means their name on the building?
LEFT BRAINS seem to have no ability to LISTEN, hear, learn, think, reconsider, discuss causes and consequences and then compromise. This requires some Right brain wiring .. some BALANCE is needed between thinking first and THEN acting.
Tues. Aug 1, 2023, 9:30 pm.
So many toxins in our lives today have destroyed our brain wiring. It means we have lost our common sense, logic and reason. They are in the Right brain Hemisphere, which contemplates and wonders about everything. The Right brain wants to understand, the Left just works to "GET er done!". Therefore those in charge are the fast Left brains.
Managing and action are also very valuable .. but first lots of opposing ideas must be decided and compromised with the Right brain. THAT is the hard part of LIFE! Sadly it seems our mind and "heart" are found in our RIGHT brain wiring. That means with only Left brains in charge, we are losing our humanity. We Thinkers yell and yell .. nobody listens. The screamers get all the Attention. But it means our bandaid silo "successes" are now all collapsing (link McGil)
Right brain creatives INVENT things, develop new ideas and CONCEPTS. Left brains do not think FAR or for tomorrow so they end up being leaders fast.By not listening to creative worriers (R B), the WARRIORS (LB) have now led us into HELL. Dystopia results when you do not contemplates causes or consequences and just quickly act.
WE seriously MUST understand this .. and how it is affecting us. (link)
We will explode one way or another .. too many toxic factors in our life .. too many stress for young to handle. .. why dying of heart attack in 20's??? or even 50's when we are supposedly in so much better shape?
Wed. July 26, 2023, 2:30 pm.
check this out! (judy Lipson) are we R brains sensitive, inventive, empathetic, loner INTROVERTS? (or .. maybe we just prefer talking one on one?? .. rather than a big loud "I have tons of friends" show off group? ). Do those things describe you, if you believe you are a "Thinker" vs a "doer". Left Brain?
Sensitive, empathetic and inventive are good traits to have! But it is NOT that we think we are great, these traits are actually very hard to live with! we don't get the job done often neglected our SELF. Mostly I think maybe we have little confidence? but are DRIVEN obsessive even? TOXINS seem to have mostly fried our Right brain wiring .. leaving more shallow selfish LEFT wiring people! OR .. people are just STRESSED selfish and shallow!
Is Right BRAIN wiring where our HUMAN is .. our soul? There is the "WORRIER vs WARRIOR" personality spectrum (link) and the "Selfish vs selfless spectrum". (link). McGilchrist says Left brains are destroying CIVILIZATION (link). With only the brain HEMISPHERE that "GET's THE JOB DONE" but missing the brain part of curiosity, invention and empathy solutions can not be as good. A "Me/ mine, here, now" focus does not look at cause or consequence of past or future actions. Of course the "quick BANDAID mess" that we are in .. will result!
THEY think that we think we are so above them. We Right brain Thinkers do not mean to act so, but we got "the THINK brain" and do less actual getting the job done! It would be great if we could share what we EACH had .. before toxins destroyed our brains BALANCE. I guess it is not their fault we still got to have the HUMAN thinking part of our brain instead. We confuse them with our divergent complex ideas.
So I guess they mistrusted us R B Thinkers to begin. They never respected us .. called is "mentally" ill, I guess fearful of us and the power we could gather with our BETTER ideas than BANDAID SILOS? How many inventors, artist, even Abe Lincoln are now said to have been depressed?.. no wonder!! WE see the looming problems which by now creates TRUE despair never mind prozac curing!! We used to have balanced brains but now UNLESS WE WORK TOGETHER WITH OUR OPPOSITE VALUABLE RESOURCE .. sorry we are fully extinct. (Half of us are zombies now, not really here .. the rest of us will die of ANXIETY!!!!!! and that is seriously what will happened to young people!
There is not a society in the world where it is ok for a young person to go by a cemetary on the way to work and think .. "ooh .. that would be so nice and calm". That is HEART BREAKING! Can we get responsible and sacrifice in time to save us? (Link System)
I was trying to do the above and had a nervous breakdown! Luckily was keyboard battery!! Thought it A I Conspiracy to shut me up!
Fri. Aug 4, 2023, 8:30 pm.
Ran my excited ideas past the new concierge. My students of the 80's would not have spoken so demeaningly, yes! definitely you can disagree with my excitement. But how about in a RESPECTFUL way .. not "you are an idiot of course that won't work." Those words need not be said .. we Right brains have a "heart" and mind .. we can feel your disadin in your tone and manner. The of course they would say "you are not allowed to disagree with her". Not true! There is nothing better than a discussion eveb turning debate. But it is done respsectfully each trying to learn more and find THE TRUTH by sharing human INTELLIGENCE.
HAH! I think with left brains a good idea feels like they have lost something and the battle starts. or they get confused and hating that they attack. hmm .. maybe I just always confuse shallow closed left brains and so they ATTACK. they are the warriors, so all is simplified to comfort or discomfort .. then ATTACK. my ranting makes people think .. probably new different ways and those who liv only in the outer ONION SHELLS never get into the deeper onion layers. That is why their management never is TRUE REAL SUCCESS. Shallow closed mind answers never solve problems!
So if they put down everyone of our SOLUTIONS or ideas TOWARD solutions .. who is the NEGATIVE ONE. ?? Hah there is a woman here who has convinced everyone to stay away from me .. I am SO NEGATIVE. But it looks like it is the LEFT brains confused and attacking ideas that are the REAL NEGATIVE ENERGY VIBRATION!! They certainly destroying imagining new visions and possibilities.
I was napping when the panic HIT .. as I woke?? no idea WHY? .. we know so little about how our brain works and it can cause so much trouble,
euphoria .. usually not sustainable .. or maybe then the crash is just worse? so somebody is now telling me chemical ? depression was a con? Well then WHAT causes the bouncing of emotions? if everything is the same in one's life .. no loss or great win .. why would one's spirits SOAR (sp) and then at other times crash? We are so quick to make judgements "you are making up menatl illness to be victim awarded or whatever to TWIST is today .. hah, we say that ONLY if we are Left brain! Right brains are too curious and full of wondering to be so sure so fast! I am so sick of livigmwith idiots (same planet). Are you idiots? yes. Why the hell would we WANT to be losers? Why the HELL would we want to struggle .. just to get pity? makes no sense to me .. obviously something is NOT working right when you bounce between panic and manic high FOR NO REASON. The maniac is FUN .. no drugs needed but the crashes are just HARD. I am very curious to find out if my theory that mental illness is a con to shut up us Thinkers who of course are TROUBLE for Left brain shadow selfish losing humanity "beings".
But then again .. if I can not MAKE myself behave better .. how do I expect THEM to?? It is just they have never had empathy and are mean! They are never sorry for what they say .. or WONDER if maybe they goofed up .. always so self assured. Yet they will admit sometimes that they are NOT so confident . Then why do you behave so COCKY?? I guess a warrior is never allowed to show weakness!! Just Like poor men must be STRONG .. which mean women have so demonized. Go away mean women. Hmm that is actually very ?prescient?
I was complaining that in our throw away society even BIG things just go in the garbage, not even after 20 years but for me 2 uses of a (?nescafe) coffee maker. Why do I even share with this person, I will only get yelled at .. no effort Whatsoever to UNDERSTAND what I am trying to say. However I am constantly told I hear nothing and know nothing about this person.
Here is a Left brain response .."What does fake news have to do with bad purchases? Register for the warranty. Do research on Amazon even if you don’t buy there 🙄🤦🏽♀️ Don’t blame others for your bad purchase. I keep saying every dollar is a vote. You voted wrong. Don’t be lazy then pass the buck. "
my fault re fake news confusion. told her I had warranty. $ voting TAUGHT BY ME!! 🤬 do you see how the point of worrying about th world got twisted to being lAZY and blaming others for MY bad purchase? The "discussion" was supposed to be about us destroying the environment with poor quality "garbage". Thank you! Sharif this with you I am proud of myself .. with family CONSTANTLY like this I am not CRAZIER and even ANGRIER. Will Left brains drive us insane with their TWISTING of everything?
Here was an explanation that was interesting. No doubt I do remember these insults and feelings of NO SUPPORT, no human connection too long .. Left brains are SHALLOW .. less bothers them.
Another response "What you call my ‘lawyer’ or whatever is just releasing. ‘I Don’t agree bc of x/y/z.’ Once released I move on and don’t care. You both seem to carry festering anger which will never serve you." .. with mostly Left brain family forever .. how do we even survive? Nothing is a discussion or learning .. HAH!! It is all a battle becaseu they are WARRIORS and I am a worrier. good understanding!! another
def fast Left brain .. Right is slower. I think "why did I not say .. !!" 8 hours later!! 🙁
Tues. Aug 1, 2023, 8:00 incomplete
An onion is a good comparison for thinking deeply. Left brains are the 2 outer shell layers. I have other websites where I thought it was politics, opposite to right and left where they sit in the Capital! confusing. .. NO! Politicians are all left brain today .. no more ability to discuss .. just screaming for their job, not really wanting to fix anything. That takes compromise which Left brains are really unable to do .. you must LISTEN, learn and reconsider. only RIGHT brains do that!
If Republican wrote a book he must do some thinking .. but usually very closed minded .. myopic.
I think their problem is no REAL creativity .. NO ability to IMAGINE a better way of doing things! So Guns no gun, abortion no abortion are all the same outer layer ONION NON THINKING. Thinking means contemplating NEW IDEAS, new directions, new considerations! Just screaming at each other does NOTHING to improve ANYTHING. Shutting up, LISTENINGlearning and compromising is the only way we can save us from EXTINCTION.
No negative about it .. it is the reality for irresponsible disrespectful terrible resource managing "beings". we are already half extinct .. a ZOMBIE is only a BEING not human! So we better hurry up .. and PRAY us quiet thinkers are the MASSES.
This is from the "words" segment under the "more" heading. EPIPHANY .. Right brains can NOT "just do it" and Left brains can not "SEE"!
we are yelling at them to "Open your eyes! .. can't you see .. !" They CANT they are BLIND and we are yelling at them just as they did to JUST DO IT and we can not!
Tues. July 25, 2023, 9:30 am. THIS IS IMPORTANT .. add elsewhere? (Left brains are "BLIND")
Think about it! How many words relate to SEEING but really mean UNDERSTANDING? We do not SEE a concept. But I guess our? (mind's eye?) see UNDERSTANDS it? How do I get to be 76 years old AND KNOW SO LITTLE?? What the hell! There must be a conspiracy .. a PLOT to keep us STUPID? We are going to FIX THAT .. by sharing our Human INTELLIGENCE quietly and respectfully. You know that saying "do not speak of politics or religion at a party." Hah!! Made up by Left brains as usual! If you can not discuss what makes up our TOTAL HEALTH (our systems and our HOPE) then what is the point? A Left brain party is competition, sports or ho can laugh the m out or be the wildest. I guess a right brain get together is a PHILOSOPHICAL or societal study. Most people do not even know what "society" is know = US .."we" together. the success or failure of WE THE PEOPLE. Society = FAIL.
Re all the relating "UNDERSTANDING" to "SEE-ING" in our words and phrases!!
I think Left brains are a little BLIND .. and we keep yelling at them to "SEE" .. but they CAN'T!
I am just mad because everybody stigmatized all the "mental" illness and refused to face we just find it hard to GET THE JOB DONE, because we are trying to "SEE "IT"the idea BETTER"!. We are always thinking "why?" and "but .." etc. That makes it harder to act fast and just get the job done. Everybody yelled at us .. saying we are weird .. meantime we are the THINKERS that should be listened to BEFORE acting. The solution will be BETEER if all perspectives are considered FIRST. We used to have BALANCED brain wiring before it got FIRED with toxins. now we HAVR TO WORK TOGETHER, share our opposite resources!
But maybe if we are compassionate to them they will not feel attacked by our IDEAS. They are WARRIORS .. they will NATURALLY lash out. So let's back off .. maybe they can learn at their own pace without us yelling how MEAN and CRUEL they are? We are pretty jealous how EASY a selfish shallow focus is rather than always wanting to UNDERSTAND ALL THE ONION LAYERS OF "TRUTH" .. not JUST the shell of opposing views.
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